
What to Plant After Tree Removal: Planting Tips & Expert Advice

You may have removed the tree from your garden and now wonder what to plant in the available space. As daunting as it may seem, replanting is quite a simple process. You should know the type of plants to plant and clean the space before doing it.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the replantation process to rejuvenate your garden.

Want help with what to plan after tree removal? Contact us and avail yourself of a free consultation with Baxter Tree Removal.

What Factors to Consider When Choosing Replacement Plants?

Deciding to replant your garden can be challenging, as you will have to consider various factors before planting new seeds. Choosing the right plant for your garden depends on the soil condition, sunlight exposure, and climate. Let’s have a brief overview of these factors to better understand the requirements.

You should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is the area sunny or shaded?
  2. What’s the condition of the soil? Dry or wet? Sandy or fertilized?
  3. Is the spot area exposed to traffic, wind, or salt?
  4. Are there rocks or steep areas?

Listed below are some of the factors that should be kept in mind before replantation:

Sunlight Requirements

It is important to consider the sunlight throughout the day. Keep an eye on the building orientation and shadow cast by nearby properties and trees. After careful consideration, you should choose the plants that require sunlight or shadow.

Sun-loving plants like roses and lavender should be exposed to sunlight, while ferns and hostas should be planted in a shadowy place.

Soil Conditions

Checking the soil condition is paramount before you consider replanting a tree where one was removed. Conduct soil analysis tests to check its pH value, nutrient percentage, and drainage capacity. This will help you determine which plants will be suitable for the soil condition. Some plants thrive in alkaline soil, while others grow well in acidic surroundings. Knowing the soil condition will help you choose suitable plant types.

Climate Adaptability

It is essential to understand the effect of temperature on plants. The climate of your area is a crucial deciding factor for replantation. If you live in an area with a cold winter climate, choose cold-tolerant plants. On the other hand, if the weather stays hot most of the time, going with heat-tolerant plants is the obvious choice. Base your decision on factors like temperature, humidity, precipitation, and frost levels.

Post-Tree Stump Removal Actions

The entire root system is not eradicated when you only do tree stump removal. Some necessary steps should be considered to make space for replantation.

  • Clear Wood chips and Debris
  • Assess the Soil Conditions
  • Soil Amendments
  • Level the Ground

Clear Wood chips and Debris

Stump grinding produces wood chips and debris that should be cleaned immediately. A shovel or rake will do the work. Ensure the space is clean before replanting a new tree.

Assess the Soil Conditions

The second step is assessing the condition of the soil where the stump was removed. Consult a professional or conduct a soil test to determine the pH level and nutrient content of the soil. This will help you understand and address the imbalance and deficiency in the soil before replantation.

Soil Amendments

The next step is to amend the soul based on the soil test. A few initiatives include adding manure or compost to enhance the soil quality and fertility. Moreover, the alkalinity and acidity can be adjusted by adding sulphur and lime, respectively. Your pH level choice depends on the plant type you want to grow.

Level the Ground

After the stump removal, the ground may become uneven, which should be levelled. Use a rake to level the ground and fill in the lower spots. This will help you avoid drainage and water pooling issues later on.

What Types of Plants to Consider After Tree Removal?

After tree removal, consider planting various vegetation to enhance your landscape. Plant trees that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also help reduce urban heat islands to cool the environment. 

You can choose to plant trees like maples and oaks, which provide enough shade and also positively impact the environment. Shrubs such as hydrangeas and roses add color and texture, while perennials like daylilies, hostas, and peonies offer low-maintenance beauty year after year. Annuals like marigolds and sunflowers provide seasonal bursts of color and versatility.


Maple trees, oak trees, and willow trees are excellent choices after tree removal. Maples offer vibrant foliage colors in autumn, while oaks provide enough shade and attract wildlife. Willows thrive near water bodies and add graceful charm to landscapes.


Hydrangeas, azaleas, and roses make ideal shrubs post-tree removal. Hydrangeas bloom beautifully in various colors, while azaleas provide evergreen foliage and vibrant spring flowers. Roses bring fragrance, beauty, and a touch of elegance to gardens.


Daylilies, hostas, and peonies are top picks for perennials after tree removal. Daylilies boast a wide range of colors and bloom shapes and thrive in various soil types. Hostas are bestowed with lush foliage and can thrive in shade. Peonies offer fragrant blooms and are also low-maintenance plants.


Marigolds, petunias, and sunflowers serve as excellent annual options. Marigolds repel pests with their distinct scent, petunias provide continuous blooms throughout the season, and sunflowers offer cheerful faces and attract pollinators. These annuals add vibrant colors and versatility to any garden.

Contact Baxters Tree Services for Expert Tree Removal and Landscape Transformation!

If you need expert tree removal or replantation help, consider hiring Baxter Tree Removal Services. Our team consists of vetted experts with a decade of experience dealing with anything related to trees and plantations. We are proud to have dozens of satisfied customers who request our services repeatedly. Our team carries out the whole process with due diligence and planning. Want a free consultation before hiring us? Contact us now, as we are just an email and a call away!


What Can I Plant Around an Old Tree Stump?

Consider planting ground covers like vinca, ferns, or hostas that tolerate shade and poor soil for an old tree stump. Alternatively, ornamental grasses or flowering plants such as astilbe can thrive. Avoid planting large trees near the stump, as their roots may interfere with decomposition.

What to Do with Roots After Cutting Down Tree?

After cutting down a tree, remove as many roots as possible to prevent regrowth and tripping hazards. For more extensive roots, use a stump grinder or manually dig them out. Dispose of roots responsibly or repurpose them as mulch. Fill the hole with soil and consider planting new vegetation.

How to Stop Tree Roots from Growing Back?

To prevent tree roots from regrowing, apply a root barrier made of plastic or metal around the tree’s perimeter. Regularly trim roots near structures and apply herbicides containing glyphosate to freshly cut roots. Consult an arborist for professional advice on root control methods.